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电话: 0757-85916276
传真: 075785916976
姓名: Lindayi
Nature Beauty Dress Group Limited
黛娜诗黛娜诗 婚纱礼服 1800 价格:1800元/件
黛娜诗黛娜诗 婚纱礼服 1800 价格:1800元/件
黛娜诗黛娜诗新款婚纱礼服双肩细吊带深V 价格:2100元/件
黛娜诗黛娜诗新款婚纱礼服双肩细吊带深V 价格:2100元/件

   Nature Beauty Dress Group Limited. Location in Guangdong China! We specialise in designing and manufacturing many different styles of Wedding dresses; Our aim is "To provide reasonable prices, good quality products and excellent services to our customers" We have established a broad client base extending to Europe, America and Middle East, with whom we have kept business relationships for many years due to our quality service and *域名隐藏* you are interested in any

主要产品/业务: wedding dress,wedding gown,bridal dress,bridal wear,evening dress,bridesmaid dress

Nature Beauty Dress Group Limited / 广东 / 9C Hongwei Building Huangqi Foshan City Guangdong Province China (528248) / 电话:0757-85916276

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