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公司名称: Nature Beauty Dress Group Limited 
所在省份: 广东  
成立日期: 1999 
注册资金: 少于100万 
员工数量: 11 - 50 人 
年销售额: 少于100万 
主要产品: wedding dress,wedding gown,bridal dress,bridal
wear,evening dress,bridesmaid dress  

Nature Beauty Dress Group Limited. Location in Guangdong China!
We specialise in designing and manufacturing many different styles of Wedding dresses;
Our aim is "To provide reasonable prices, good quality products and excellent services to our customers" We have established a broad client base extending to Europe, America and Middle East, with whom we have kept business relationships for many years due to our quality service and *域名隐藏* you are interested in any of our products, Please feel free to contact us for more *域名隐藏* look forward to co-operating with you in the near future. . 
Nature Beauty Dress Group Limited / 广东 / 9C Hongwei Building Huangqi Foshan City Guangdong Province China (528248) / 电话:0757-85916276

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